|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]李曼丽 李明.英美两国一流大学教师资源的开发与留任机制探微——基于英美10所世界一流大学的案例分析[J].清华大学教育研究,2017,(06):59-66.
 LI Man-li,LI Ming.Preliminary Research on Faculty Development and Retention Mechanism within First-class Universities: Case Study of 10 World-class Universities in Britain and the United States[J].TSINGHUA JOURNAL OF EDUCATION,2017,(06):59-66.





Preliminary Research on Faculty Development and Retention Mechanism within First-class Universities: Case Study of 10 World-class Universities in Britain and the United States
李曼丽 李明
清华大学 教育研究院
LI Man-li; LI Ming
(Institute of Education, Tsinghua University
double first-rate constructionhuman resource of facultydevelopment and retention mechanisms
本文采用多个案比较法,通过对英美10所一流大学教师管理政策文本的分析,基于高校人力资源管理基本维度,重点探究了国外一流大学的教师的“育”(Training & Development, T&D)、“留”(Motivation & Retention, M&R) 管理机制。研究发现,英美一流大学的教师队伍管理呈现以下共性特征:虽然在教师招聘过程中秉持严苛的选聘标准和严谨的选聘、任用程序,但是在教师任职过程中,大学会依托专门的教学机构提供多样化的教师培训与开发服务项目;同时在严控质量、有序晋升过程中,注重综合运用物质和精神双重激励机制鼓励教师留任。在加快推进世界一流大学建设的进程中,我国亟需借鉴国外一流大学教师管理的卓越实践经验,积极探索扎根中国大地、符合中国国情的教师管理模式。
This paper mainly applies the method of Small-N Case Studies to study the distinctive characteristics of faculty management mechanisms of overseas first-class universities from the mechanisms of development and retention, via analysis of faculty management policy of 10 universities in Britain and the United States. It is found that faculty management of the world-class universities in the UK and the United States presents the following common characteristics: various faculty training and development services are provided relying on specific teaching and learning institutions in the process of teaching although the standard and procedure are rigorous in the process of recruitment and appointment; more attention has been paid to the comprehensive use of material and spiritual incentive mechanism to encourage retention in the process of well-organized faculty promotion and rigorous quality control. During the process of accelerating the construction of world-class universities, China is encouraged to learn from the excellent practice and experience of faculty management of overseas world-class universities, and actively explore the faculty management model which is rooted in China’s context and conforms to China’s specific national conditions.This paper mainly applies the method of Small-N Case Studies to study the distinctive characteristics of faculty management mechanisms of overseas first-class universities from the mechanisms of development and retention, via analysis of faculty management policy of 10 universities in Britain and the United States. It is found that faculty management of the world-class universities in the UK and the United States presents the following common characteristics: various faculty training and development services are provided relying on specific teaching and learning institutions in the process of teaching although the standard and procedure are rigorous in the process of recruitment and appointment; more attention has been paid to the comprehensive use of material and spiritual incentive mechanism to encourage retention in the process of well-organized faculty promotion and rigorous quality control. During the process of accelerating the construction of world-class universities, China is encouraged to learn from the excellent practice and experience of faculty management of overseas world-class universities, and actively explore the faculty management model which is rooted in China’s context and conforms to China’s specific national conditions.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2017-12-20