[1]陈星 张学敏.新中国的教育投入:评价的标准、方法和指标及其嬗变[J].清华大学教育研究,2019,(02):89-98.
CHEN XingZHANG Xue-min.China’s Educational Input:The Standards, Methods and Indicator Systems for Evaluation and its Evolution[J].TSINGHUA JOURNAL OF EDUCATION,2019,(02):89-98.
- 卷:
- 期数:
- 页码:
- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
China’s Educational Input:The Standards, Methods and Indicator Systems for Evaluation and its Evolution
- 作者:
陈星1 张学敏2
1.浙江师范大学 教师教育学院 2.西南大学 西南民族教育与心理研究中心
- Author(s):
CHEN Xing1ZHANG Xue-min 2
1. College of Teacher Education , Zhejiang Normal University 2. Research Center of Education and Psychology for Southwest Minorities, Southwest University
- 关键词:
教育投入评价; 教育充足; 教育公平; 教育效率
- Keywords:
evaluation of educational input; educational adequacy; educational equality; educational efficiency
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
- Abstract:
Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the standards, methods and indicator systems of the evaluation of educational input in China have been gradually improved. The core criterion of the evaluation has undergone a transformation from sufficiency to fairness and then to efficiency. The method used in the evaluation of educational input sufficiency gradually turns from comparative analysis to supply and demand analysis. The focus of the evaluation of fairness gradually turns from regional equity to group equity, and the focus of the evaluation of efficiency gradually turns from external efficiency to internal efficiency. To set up criteria, methods and indicators of the evaluation of educational input, we need to clarify the definition and mutual relationships between the criteria, methods, and indicators, and take into comprehensive consideration such factors as the national conditions, the understanding of evaluation criteria, the availability of data, and the types and stages of education.
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