[1]孙晶 张伟 任宗金 王殿龙 崔岩.工程教育专业认证毕业要求达成度的成果导向评价[J].清华大学教育研究,2017,(04):117-124.
SUN Jing ZHANG Wei REN zong-jin WANG dian-long CUI Yan.Practice on OBE Evaluation Architecture for the Achievement of GraduationRequirements Based on the Engineering Education Accreditation System[J].TSINGHUA JOURNAL OF EDUCATION,2017,(04):117-124.
- 卷:
- 期数:
- 页码:
- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
Practice on OBE Evaluation Architecture for the Achievement of GraduationRequirements Based on the Engineering Education Accreditation System
- 作者:
孙晶 张伟 任宗金 王殿龙 崔岩
- Author(s):
SUN Jing ZHANG Wei REN zong-jin WANG dian-long CUI Yan
School of Mechanical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology
- 关键词:
成果导向教育; 课程考核成绩分析法; 尺规评价法; 工程教育专业认证; 毕业要求达成度
- Keywords:
OBE; analytical method based on exam scores; Rubrics method; engineering education
accreditation system; graduation requirements achievement
- 分类号:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
According to the main issue about the achievement of graduation requirements in engineering education accreditation system, this paper proposes the value of OBE evaluation architecture that consists of exam scores analytical method, rubrics method and questionnaire survey method. Based on the precondition of establishments on the relationship between graduation requirements evaluation indicator and course support, this paper confirms the ratio which suggests weight coefficients of the
courses versus graduation requirements. It furthermore calculates the value of achievement indicator by evaluation value of the achievement indicator and its weight coefficient. Moreover, compare with objective value, the analysis suggests the results of the achievement evaluation for every indicator. In terms of Rubrics method, this study firstly builds the basic model for Rubrics method, then gets the quantitative graduation requirements evaluation from students, which is followed by a formation of Rubrics evaluation table by using sample spaces average score. The steering committee of education gives evaluation suggestions with Rubrics evaluation table. Then the course instructors provide feedback and the rovement measures. The method of questionnaire survey targets to gather data among campus
students, graduates and employers. Because of the comprehensiveness, objectivity and prudence of surveyed parties, the results of the questionnaire survey method triangulate the results of analytical method based on exam scores and Rubrics method.
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