[1]罗文蔚 高敏骐 何慧华.视觉与多模态方法论的框架与应用:以视频内容分析为例[J].清华大学教育研究,2025,(01):136-147.
LUO Wen-wei GAO Min-qi HE Hui-hua.Frameworks and Applications of Visual and Multimodal Methodologies: An Example of Multimodal Video Content Analysis[J].TSINGHUA JOURNAL OF EDUCATION,2025,(01):136-147.
- 卷:
- 期数:
- 页码:
- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
Frameworks and Applications of Visual and Multimodal Methodologies: An Example of Multimodal Video Content Analysis
- 作者:
罗文蔚1; 2 高敏骐1; 2 何慧华1; 2
1.上海师范大学 学前教育学院;2.教育部 教育大数据与教育决策实验室
- Author(s):
LUO Wen-wei1; 2 GAO Min-qi1; 2 HE Hui-hua1; 2
1.Institute of Early Childhood Education, Shanghai Normal University; 2.Lab for Educational Big Data and Policymaking, Ministry of Education
- 关键词:
视觉与多模态; 视频内容分析; 方法论; 分析框架
- Keywords:
visual and multimodal; video content analysis; methodology; analytical frameworks
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
- Abstract:
Vision and multimodality are key features of contemporary information dissemination and are increasingly becoming a focus for educational researchers exploring and analyzing educational phenomena. This article begins by examining the core concepts of visual and multimodal methodologies, illustrating how multimodal phenomena can be understood through the theoretical framework of social semiotics. It then introduces the analytical frameworks of visual and multimodal methodologies, exploring their applications across various dimensions, including texts, objects, events, and spaces. Using video content analysis as an example, the article delves into the practical applications of these methodologies, providing an in-depth exploration of the entire process, from video recording to data processing and the generation of research outcomes. Additionally, it addresses the challenges of reliability and validity inherent in this process and discusses strategies to overcome them. Finally, the article highlights the adaptability and innovativeness of visual and multimodal methodologies in addressing complex educational phenomena and meeting emerging research demands, showcasing their vast potential for development in educational research.
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