[1]常桐善 廖旭梅.美国本科招生“整体评价”:学理溯源、实施及对创新人才培养的重要性[J].清华大学教育研究,2025,(01):98-108.
CHANG Tong-shan LIAO Xu-mei.A Holistic Review of American Undergraduate Admissions: Theoretical Examination, Implementation, and Significance for Innovative Talent Education[J].TSINGHUA JOURNAL OF EDUCATION,2025,(01):98-108.
- 卷:
- 期数:
- 页码:
- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
A Holistic Review of American Undergraduate Admissions: Theoretical Examination, Implementation, and Significance for Innovative Talent Education
- 作者:
常桐善1; 2 廖旭梅3
1.西安欧亚学院;2.加州大学 校长办公室;3.武汉大学 政治与公共管理学院
- Author(s):
CHANG Tong-shan1; 2 LIAO Xu-mei3
1.Xian Eurasia University;2.Office of the President, University of California;3.School of Political Science and Public Administration, Wuhan University
- 关键词:
本科招生; 整体评价; 创新人才培养
- Keywords:
undergraduate admissions; holistic review; innovative talent education
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
- Abstract:
Top research universities in the United States often adopt a holistic review process in undergraduate admissions to evaluate applicants’ overall qualities. This approach is grounded in the theoretical frameworks of philosophical holistic thought, Gestalt psychology, multiple intelligences theory, and holistic learning and assessment models in education. In this holistic review process, admission readers assess applicants’ cognitive and non-cognitive abilities, achievements, and personal development in the broader context of their family background, school and community environments, available learning resources and opportunities, and challenges. This review process aims to identify and admit applicants who have strong potential for future success by examining the interconnectedness of multiple factors and their influence on an applicant’s growth and accomplishments. Moreover, holistic review aligns with the educational principles of fostering innovative talents, helps shape values of holistic education, and contributes to the development of national education power and society progress.
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