[1]李焕宏 薛澜.生成式人工智能应用的使能型风险规制
LI Huan-hong XUE Lan.Enabling-Oriented Risk Regulation for the Early Application of Generative AI: A Case Study of Higher Education[J].TSINGHUA JOURNAL OF EDUCATION,2025,(01):68-78.
- 卷:
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- Title:
Enabling-Oriented Risk Regulation for the Early Application of Generative AI: A Case Study of Higher Education
- 作者:
李焕宏1 薛澜2
1.南京大学 政府管理学院;2.清华大学 公共管理学院
- Author(s):
LI Huan-hong1 XUE Lan2
1.School of Government, Nanjing University;2.School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University
- 关键词:
风险管理; 组织适应; 技术风险; 制度创新
- Keywords:
risk management; organizational adaptability; technological risk; institutional innovation
- 分类号:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
While the risks associated with generative AI technologies have been extensively discussed in academic circles, there is still a lack of sufficient understanding that “the positive or negative impacts of technology are contingent on usage behavior,”which constrains the development of feasible risk governance strategies. This study argues that effectively guiding behavior requires a holistic understanding of the landscape of AI application risks—including the technology itself, its uses, and its broader impacts—and insight into the specific contexts faced by different risk receptors. Using the case of generative AI applications in higher education, this research identifies a complex, multi-layered risk framework in educational AI applications. These risks arise not only from the technology but also from complex social dynamics, such as interpersonal competition and friction between new and existing institutional structures. Accordingly, the study proposes an enabling-oriented risk regulation framework that emphasizes strengthening the technical capacity of higher education institutions and establishing institutional support systems essential for educational transformation. This approach aims to enhance organizational resilience and guide higher education institutions toward safe and effective pathways for AI adoption. The study underscores that, in the early stages of emerging technology applications, building capacity for technology stewardship is crucial to the success of risk regulation efforts.
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