[1]林 健.国家卓越工程师学院建设:高层次卓越工程师培养通用标准研制[J].清华大学教育研究,2024,(05):25-38.
LIN Jian.Construction of the National Institute of Outstanding Engineers:Development of General Standards for Training High-level Outstanding Engineers[J].TSINGHUA JOURNAL OF EDUCATION,2024,(05):25-38.
- 卷:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
Construction of the National Institute of Outstanding Engineers:Development of General Standards for Training High-level Outstanding Engineers
- 作者:
林 健
清华大学 教育研究院
- Author(s):
LIN Jian
Institute of Education, Tsinghua University
- 关键词:
卓越工程师培养; 通用标准; 培养标准; 硕士; 博士; 国家卓越工程师学院; 人才培养质量; 复杂工程问题; “卡脖子”技术
- Keywords:
outstanding engineer training; general standards; training standards; Master; Doctor; National Institute of Outstanding Engineers; talent training quality; complex engineering problems; “bottleneck” technology
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
- Abstract:
The development of training standards for high-level outstanding engineers is crucial for achieving the primary objectives of the national Institute of outstanding engineers (NIOE) and ensure the training quality of high level outstanding engineers. This paper focuses on establishing general standards for the training of high-level outstanding engineers. First, it outlines the principles and fundamental approaches for formulating general training standards at NIOE. It then briefly examines four influential engineering competency standards from Europe, the United Kingdom, the United States, and China, providing valuable references for the development of these standards. In the final sections, based on these principles and approaches, the paper formulates and interprets the general training standards for outstanding engineers at both the master’s and doctoral levels. This is intended to lay a foundation for the development of graduate-level training standards and discipline-specific standards for outstanding engineers at universities and enterprises, including NIOE, and to offer general quality benchmarks that can serve as references for high-level outstanding engineer training standards.
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