[1]姚威 李恒.“一带一路”沿线国家人才分布与交流开发战略——基于沿线65国人才质量和投资存量的分析[J].清华大学教育研究,2018,(04):64-72.
YAO Wei LI Heng.The Talent Distribution and Exploration Strategies in “ The Belt and Road ” Countries —— Based on the Analysis of Talent Quality and Investment Stock[J].TSINGHUA JOURNAL OF EDUCATION,2018,(04):64-72.
- 卷:
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- Title:
The Talent Distribution and Exploration Strategies in “ The Belt and Road ” Countries —— Based on the Analysis of Talent Quality and Investment Stock
- 作者:
姚威 李恒
浙江大学 公共管理学院
- Author(s):
YAO Wei LI Heng
School of Public Affairs , Zhejiang University
- 关键词:
一带一路; 对外直接投资; 人才质量; “人才-投资”双维度矩阵
- Keywords:
the Belt and Road; Chinese outward foreign direct investment; Talent quality; “Talent-investment” dual-dimension matrix
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
实施“一带一路”倡议迫切需要解决以下问题:沿线国家人才质量究竟如何?如何针对各国不同情况制定相应人才交流开发战略?首先,本文选取Quacquarelli Symonds(QS)、《泰晤士高等教育》大学排名(THE)于2017年公布的榜单,系统整理沿线65国高校上榜情况,并设计计算人才质量指数(TQI)以对沿线国家人才质量进行测评。同时,引入中国企业对外直接投资存量数据作为纵坐标,构建“人才-投资”双维度矩阵将沿线国家分为四类,并以教育部《推进共建“一带一路”教育行动》为指导,建议按照“因地制宜,分类实施”的原则分别对四类国家实施“人才本土化”、“人才辐射”、“人才孵育”以及“共轭联动”等差异化的人才交流开发策略。
- Abstract:
Implementing “the Belt and Road” (B&R) initiative urgently needs to address the following questions: What is the quality of talents along B&R? How to develop differentiated and precise strategies for talent exchange and exploration? Firstly, Talent Quality Index (TQI) is designed to measure the talent quality of a country, which compares the performance of 65 countries along B&R on world-recognized university rankings (we selected two university rankings of Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) and Times Higher Education (THE) released in 2017 as data source). Then we divide the 65 countries along B&R into four quadrants for discussion by constructing “Talent-investment” dual-dimension matrix, in which we take TQI as the X-axis and the 2015 OFDI stock of Chinese enterprises as the Y-axis. According to relevant policies issued by the Ministry of Education of China and the complex situations of these countries, the paper suggests that it is necessary to develop precise strategies of talent exchange and exploration for different countries in four quadrants, including Talent Localization, Talent Radiation, Talent incubation and Conjugation.
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