[1]李振宇 王骏.中央与地方教育财政事权与支出责任的划分[J].清华大学教育研究,2017,(05):35-43.
LI Zhen-yu WANG Jun.The Division of Educational Finance Power and Expenditure Responsibility between Central and Local Government[J].TSINGHUA JOURNAL OF EDUCATION,2017,(05):35-43.
- 卷:
- 期数:
- 页码:
- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
The Division of Educational Finance Power and Expenditure Responsibility between Central and Local Government
- 作者:
李振宇 王骏
北京师范大学 经济与工商管理学院
- Author(s):
LI Zhen-yu WANG Jun
Business School, Beijing Normal University
- 关键词:
教育财政事权; 支出责任; 中央; 地方
- Keywords:
educational finance power; expenditure responsibility; central and local
- 分类号:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
The relationship between educational finance power and expenditure responsibility across different government levels is important to allocate financial resources, to improve the overall educational finance efficiency, to ensure the long-term growth of educational financial input and to deepen and improving the educational financial system. This article starts from discussing the laws, regulations, policy documents and analyzing statistics and other aspects. It furthermore points out the existing problem of educational finance power and expenditure responsibility. It moreover puts forward six principles and the reform direction to divide the educational finance power and expenditure responsibility rationally. This includes establishing education funding system based on the provincial government, strengthening the responsibility of the central government in the higher education investment, adjusting the powers and responsibilities between different government levels, establishing school finance effective system, perfecting the transfer payment of education, and forming publicity and accountability system of educational expenditure.The relationship between educational finance power and expenditure responsibility across different government levels is important to allocate financial resources, to improve the overall educational finance efficiency, to ensure the long-term growth of educational financial input and to deepen and improving the educational financial system. This article starts from discussing the laws, regulations, policy documents and analyzing statistics and other aspects. It furthermore points out the existing problem of educational finance power and expenditure responsibility. It moreover puts forward six principles and the reform direction to divide the educational finance power and expenditure responsibility rationally. This includes establishing education funding system based on the provincial government, strengthening the responsibility of the central government in the higher education investment, adjusting the powers and responsibilities between different government levels, establishing school finance effective system, perfecting the transfer payment of education, and forming publicity and accountability system of educational expenditure.
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